
P90x workout calories burned
P90x workout calories burned

p90x workout calories burned

From there on in, I did the moves I could do easily and went though the motions, or just sat through the ones I couldn't (like the Wrap). By the time I got to the 4th sequence, with about 16 minutes left, I was mentally done. I started out OK, but had other things on my mind. Time: 56 minutes Calories Burned: 516 Avg Heart Rate: 117. Down The Rack, I decided to start with 35's instead of the 30's I usually use. I increased some reps here and there, some on pull-ups, and some on the band moves. This is one of my favorite workouts, so that made things easier. I wanted to get back on track after yesterday's downer, so I didn't let myself overthink this one. WEDNESDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - V-Sculpt Time: 67 minutes Calories Burned: 593 Avg Heart Rate: 114. For the most part, though, I did what I could. The warm-up is too long, as is the cool down, which I sat through.

#P90x workout calories burned free

I just went though the motions on that, with my free foot touching on all the reps. Despite all that, there was only one move where I remember dogging it, and that was the side to side one legged lunges where you touched the ground with your opposite hand.

p90x workout calories burned

One without a ball, one with a stability ball, and one with a medicine ball. Ugh!! I counted at least seven out of the seventeen moves that require balancing on one leg, and since I can't balance on one leg, they were a bit frustrating, There are three sets of One Legged Burpees. TUESDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Core Synergistics: MC2 Time: 60 minutes Calories Burned: 602 Avg Heart Rate: 123. Even though this is one of the toughest One On One workouts, I like it. On the Shoulder Presses I did 30s-25s-20s again. I improved my numbers on a few moves over those from two weeks ago. I didn't know how I was going to get through this workout, but I knew somehow I would. I was feeling exhausted when I got home from work. MONDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - UBX Once again, the nutrition could have been a lot better, but.I'm happy with what I was able to accomplish. I actually gained two pounds, but I certainly increased my numbers over last round.I really like this program, and now consider it my soul mate program. The workouts were almost a blur, but I think I did OK. It was a very tough week for me emotionally. Time: 47 minutes Calories Burned: 371 Avg Heart Rate: 108. But, the important thing is I'm there, doing it. When watching back, I see that my form isn't real pretty, especially on the Warrior moves, I'm not getting too deep. I filmed myself doing a few of the moves to possibly put on Facebook, maybe to inspire somebody else. SATURDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Fountain Of Youth (Yoga)

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Time: 36 minutes Calories Burned: 228 Avg Heart Rate: 99. I still fight some of the moves, but it was a bit relaxing today. This is the shortest of the three One On One Yoga routines, and is also probably the most relaxing because of the slow pace. Time: 66 minutes Calories Burned: 537 Avg Heart Rate: 110.įRIDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Patience Hummingbird (Yoga) I got through it OK, and even held one of the poses a little longer than I usually do, in tribute to my Buddy. It was an emotional day, and doing the same workout as yesterday didn't help. THURSDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Yoga: MC2 Time: 66 minutes Calories Burned: 521 Avg Heart Rate: 109. I'm not a fan of this yoga workout, so I didn't know how I was going to get through it, but I thought about my buddy a lot, and somehow I finished it. He was my best friend for the last fourteen years, and I'm going to miss him dearly. WEDNESDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Yoga: MC2 Time: 36 minutes Calories burned: 219 Avg Heart Rate: 98. Yoga is supposed to be relaxing, but I'm so un-coordinated with my lack of balance, that the frustration level is almost overwhelming. At one point I was becoming so frustrated with trying to place my feet correctly that I also broke down in tears. I had a lot of things on my mind, and just as yesterday, I couldn't wait for it to be over. TUESDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Patience Hummingbird (Yoga) Time: 47 minutes Calories Burned: 366 Avg Heart Rate: 108. I wasn't relaxed and couldn't wait for it to be over. This is the last week of the round, and it's an all Yoga week. MONDAY - FEBRUTONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Fountain of Youth (Yoga)

P90x workout calories burned